Tinley Park Community Church

7939 West 167th Street, Tinley Park, IL 60477




    The Church Covenant

We, believe in God, the Father, who revealed Himself through the life, death, and resurrection of His son Jesus Christ and continues to act through the Holy Spirit. We acknowledge Him as the Lord of Life and seek together to fulfill His will in our world.

You are cordially invited to visit with Christ and our very small group of believers at 10:30 every Sunday morning. Know that where just a few gather in Christ’s name, his spirit is also present. You can feel it!

Tinley Park Community Church is a Congregational Church which means we are an independent, self-governing group beholding to no hierarchy except Christ. We are proud of our heritage with the First Christian Assembly in the new land who came here on the Mayflower.

Most of us are seniors but we are desiring to grow. Young or old, all are welcome. You can relax and feel comfortable here as everyone knows each other. Our pastor makes every effort during his homily for us to experience and appreciate what God offers through Christ. The journey is rewarding but never ending. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help now and everlasting. And we celebrate the love Jesus has for the world monthly, by offering the sacrament of the “Lord’s Supper.” 

Then enjoy “coffee and” immediately following every service in our fellowship hall where we can visit and get to know each other better.

Tinley Park Community Church is a place where you can get away from it all for an hour or so and feel better about yourself and the world when you leave than when you came in. You will never be judged, intimidated or pressured in any way, ever.

Our facility is a major neighborhood and community hub for good. In addition to fulfilling the spiritual needs of our members and providing requested services to others, the Southgate Korean Church meets in our sanctuary every Sunday following our service. This is a very busy place most days of the week as several other community-based groups meet in our building regularly. Many, many people rely on us.

Our church also conducts a Wednesday night bingo. Players come from all over to enjoy our most friendly, inexpensive bingo. For some, it is their only night out to bond with family and friends. We like to say it is as much a social event as it is a bingo. We also donate food to local food pantries from time to time, participate in Toys for Tots, as well as provide gift bags of candy, children's’ books, school supplies and toys to local needy children during the Christmas season.

Relatively speaking, our very small congregation does as much or more of God’s work than many other church groups. Come join us!